This section defines TSL Charters, as well as the responsibilities, duties, and expectations of a Charter Representative, Satellite Facilitator, and more.
This section of the website replaces and supersedes the document previously known as the Charter Reps' Manual.
It is separated into content sections, or Modules, which may contain text, pictures, videos, audio, links, and more.
Each module will come with a short Knowledge Check (5 to 20 questions), and passing scores for these knowledge checks is 80% or better.
Modules will be added and regularly updated, and dated and versioned accordingly.
If you need a module or a knowledge check translated into another language, please e-mail [email protected]
This section of the website replaces and supersedes the document previously known as the Charter Reps' Manual.
It is separated into content sections, or Modules, which may contain text, pictures, videos, audio, links, and more.
Each module will come with a short Knowledge Check (5 to 20 questions), and passing scores for these knowledge checks is 80% or better.
Modules will be added and regularly updated, and dated and versioned accordingly.
If you need a module or a knowledge check translated into another language, please e-mail [email protected]
Updated June 2023
Mission Visions Values, Charters, Satellites, Charter Reps, Co-Reps, Facilitators |
Module 2 |
Updated July 2023
New Charters, Reviving Inactive Charters, Charter Media, Meet Scheduling, Member Documentation, Meet Planning, Meet Locations, Charter Insurance |
Module 3 |
Updated July 2023
Cooperation with Other Organizations, Recruiting, Retention, Charter Money |
Module 4 |
Updated August 2023
Demonstrations (Conventions, Community, & Charity), TSL Events (Championship Series & Regional Tournament), Terms & Conditions |
Current Operational Information
and Frequently Asked Questions
Updated August 2023
This is not a module, this is an ever-changing quick reference guide to often-used operations and communications for Charter Representatives and their facilitators. This contains the TSL Leadership Council structure and guide, as well as other important links and information you'll regularly need.
Bookmark this page, and when you have questions, start here!
This is not a module, this is an ever-changing quick reference guide to often-used operations and communications for Charter Representatives and their facilitators. This contains the TSL Leadership Council structure and guide, as well as other important links and information you'll regularly need.
Bookmark this page, and when you have questions, start here!